Philoi of the Festival

Our Philoi (Friends) of the Festival, together with our Corporate & VIP Night sponsors, generously provide valuable resources to support our annual festival while also contributing to two of Tulsa’s outstanding charities – Emergency Infant Services and Clarehouse.
Whether through cash or in-kind donations, these gracious families, organizations, and businesses – large & small – provide well over $150,000 in goods, services, and financial support every year.
We would like to thank and recognize our Philoi for their continued support of our festival and our honored charities
Bill & Karol Andrew
Dennis and Tonya Boone
Robyn Brickner
Ruth Chiconas
Dee Ann Day
Dean Gartelos
Don & Sarah Jackson
Drs. Andy & Heather Revelis
Justin & Kristin Rooker
The Kingsley Family
Dean & Sandy Boyaci
Judith Seymour Eliot
Ross Meyers
Megali Ellas
Meredith Howard
Athena Caplanis
Al Givray
Nick & Tian Boyaci
George & Chanelle Michalopulos
Dr. Joseph Massad
Helen Collier
Howard & Brenda Pidcock
Chris Mantle
Jeff Oberling
Stelios Boyaci
Sanjay Meshri
Gina Michalopulos Kingsley Photography

Megali Ellas


Honored Charities
The wait is over, this September 22-24th marks the 60th Anniversary of Tulsa’s oldest ethnic festival where we celebrate the beauty of the Greek culture, arts and traditions.
Every year, more than 10,000 attendees come together to celebrate the sights, sounds and smells of Greece while enjoying non-stop entertainment, dancing and fantastic food!
This year we will be adding new entertainment, a new layout and more vendors while still serving up the same authentic Greek food and scrumptious desserts you’ve come to love.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to participate and be seen by thousands at Tulsa’s Oldest Ethnic event, The Tulsa Greek Festival!